Libro Academy for Presidents


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Precio: US$15.63 (convertir) | 80 páginas.

Academy for Presidents is a short narrative in the first person and written in plain language, specially designed to appeal to our youth. Aimed at adolescents and young parents, the author plays up the enthusiasm that needs to reign among our youth today. Subjects include paternity and its responsibilities.

The main character is a teenager who reflects on the education received from his parents and his aunt María while an adolescent. He urges youngsters to observe good habits and to seek an education. He speaks out on the many dangers that beset youth, about his future aspirations and how procuring a good education leads to success in life, including getting to be president.

Hace un tiempito hablábamos de los seudónimos, esos nombres de fantasía que los autores eligen, por distintos motivos, para enmascarar su identidad...